Climate Snacks

Climate Snacks are accessible conversations about climate change

Climate Snacks

Our goal is to attract a wide audience, including curious non-academics, academics from other disciplines, and specialists. You can see the previous sessions recordings here:

Josh Fisher: The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere

In this Climate Snack, Josh Fisher talks about the land component of the carbon cycle, the uncertainties and challenges in the field, and the future of the biosphere in a climate-change context.

Asmeret Asefaw Berhe: What's soil got to do with climate change?

In this Climate Snack, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe talks about the potential of soils to sequester carbon as a nature-based solution.

Rob Jackson: Energy, Climate and Methane Mitigation

In this Climate Snack, Rob Jackson (Stanford University) talks about methane and its impact on climate.

Sara Vicca: The land as a natural brake on climate change

In this Climate Snack, Sara (University of Antwerp) discusses negative emission technologies and using natural processes to combat climate change.

Susan Cook-Patton: Restoring Tree Cover as a Natural Climate Solution

In this Climate Snack, Susan Cook-Patton (Nature Conservancy) talks about the potential of forest to slow climate change.